News & Events
In Goh Tze Chien v Tan Teow Chee and another [2024] SGHC 1, a son challenged his elderly mother’s decision to split family assets, claiming she lacked the mental capacity to sign the papers for winding up the family business. We successfully represented the executor of the deceased’s estate in resisting both the son’s application and his subsequent appeal to the Appellate Division of the High Court.
Read here for key facts and insights on the Appellate Court’s ruling.
- Legal
TKQP is proud to be the exclusive Singapore firm contributor to the 8th edition of The Legal 500’s Restructuring & Insolvency Country Comparative Guide. Check out Singapore’s restructuring and insolvency laws and regulations here.
- Firm
In celebration of Mother’s Day, our Marina Chin, S.C. and Alcina Chew was recently interviewed by the Singapore Academy of Law. During the interview, Marina shared her thoughts about the importance and benefits of mentorship in the legal profession. Alcina spoke about Marina’s invaluable support and mentorship since her traineeship with TKQP.
They hope to continue to be a source of mentorship for the next generation of female lawyers.
You may read about their mentor-mentee relationship here: https://www.sal.org.sg/blog/2024-mothers-day#msdynttrid=0IdbYelzK-uEddfJtaDAmJFqxanl18JTlXmEiNSFwI4
- People | Firm
TKQP is proud to be the exclusive Singapore firm contributor to the 7th edition of The Legal 500’s Restructuring & Insolvency Country Comparative Guide. Check out Singapore’s restructuring and insolvency laws and regulations here.
- Firm
We are delighted to announce the promotion of three lawyers to the position of Junior Partner, effective 1 January 2024:
- Mr Leong Lijie (Dispute Resolution, Infrastructure and Construction, Real Estate and Corporate and Commercial)
- Ms Leong Qianyu (Dispute Resolution, Restructuring and Insolvency and Investigations)
- Ms Low Huai Pin (Insurance, Litigation and Advisory)
We look forward to their continuing contributions and commitment to the growth of the firm.
- Firm
Congratulations to our Junior Partners, Mr Leong Lijie and Ms Leong Qianyu who have been recognized by the Singapore Business Review as Singapore’s “20 Most Influential Lawyers Aged 40 and Under for 2023”.
They were featured among 20 most influential lawyers aged 40 and under in Singapore who have risen to a level of leadership and responsibility in their respective fields of law.
We are very proud of the achievements of our lawyers. The full commentary on Lijie and Qianyu may be viewed here.
- People | Firm